This book is not just about grief, but other emotions that come into play such as forgiveness. As Forgiveness is associated with grief. We discuss the different types of forgiveness and how each functions. Understanding the emotions involved with forgiveness helps relieve the pain of hostility and grudges one may hold.
Acceptance is the last stage of Kubler-Ross’s five stages of grief, but she take this a step further into social acceptance, which also play a role in grief. We also discuses acceptance of others, such as people of other races, gender and so forth. Rejection of others, such as being prejudice, can lead to grief by the victims and others around them.
I felt compelled to write about all the hatred, pain, and suffering causing grief around the world, I wrote this in empathy for my patients who grieve, wrote this book out of my own experiences of grieving from health, personal and professional negative issues.
Dr. Daniel B. Brubaker
Psychosocial Political Dysfunction of the Republican Party
Republicans for Progress has been initiated by Dr. Daniel Brubaker to release the negative, retrogressive, and oppressive grip of the Republican Party over Americans. The goal of the initiative is to move forward, instead of backward, to compete as a great democracy representative around the world. There is no place for autocracy and fascism in America. We incorporate numerous ideas to continue our democracy, and further compete globally.

About the Author
Dr. Daniel B. Brubaker has spent half his career in academic medicine including the University of Pittsburgh Health Science Center, Oklahoma University Health Science Center, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Departments of Pathology. He has spent the past twenty years in medicine industry, which includes legal and clinical medicine.
Dr Daniel Brubaker
Interview with Benji Cole
People of Distinction
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